Call 928- 487-5967
Dear Business Owner,
My name is Chad Campbell. I am the CEO of a busy family practice in Arizona. I have lived the lifestyle of
negating my health to be productive in my job and I have lived with those consequences. After spending
time with other business owners and learning about the demands, and stresses, of their occupations, I
believe I can help. It is because of what I have learned, that I believe you and your co-workers are heading
towards a perfect storm in your health.
I have been in family practice for 22 years. In 2010, I completed the U of A Integrative Medicine
fellowship with Dr. Andrew Weil, specializing in herbs, supplements, and mind-body therapy. I have
been training and practicing functional medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine for the past 6
years. Functional medicine is about finding the root of the problem. It is this root problem that is
creating the downstream symptom effects that we all experience. As an example, I recently had a
psychiatrist that had been on multiple antidepressants and complaining of multiple GI symptoms. After
our time together and my evaluation, it was found that she had a malabsorption issue. I treated the
malabsorption issue, and she went off of all of her meds. Another example is a lady with panic attacks
that did not respond to medications. After evaluation, she was actually just releasing cortisol at the
wrong time of day. We corrected, and her panic attacks resolved.
Through my past practice, I did not have the opportunity to help people before the start of the illnesses
or disease state. My passion is to help people to be the most productive as possible, without sacrificing
their health; to help them be productive in their passion. Functional Medicine allows me to practice the
type of medicine I am passionate about.
I have created a team that I believe will help you and your co-workers achieve the goal of being productive
without sacrificing health. My team consists of myself, two health coaches, as well as, an authored
registered dietician with a culinary background. She has more than 19 years of experience in this area.
There are many programs available. I do not offer a program. I offer a team to direct and come alongside
you and your team through this process. With my extensive training, as well as my team's
experience, I know we can help make you, and your team, more productive at what you do, without you
sacrificing your health to achieve it.
Please call us for a breakdown of what a patient of mine would experience over the next 6months.
I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to explain what I feel you and your team cannot live without.
Thank you for your time. I hope we get the opportunity to work together.